Story of awareness...

2021 was an interesting year. It was the year I finally let go of my dual identity - a white person in a brown body - and fully gave in to my brown person in a brown body with pepperings of white thinking. It was also a year I came across many women with polarizing thoughts and narratives. Stories they had witnessed, stories they told themselves, biases they had formed, blind spots they did not know existed. These same women also wanted to change their thoughts and narratives but did not know how. 

I researched to look for programs that could help us do our innerwork, programs that would help us engage in meaningful discourse, programs that could help us create an allyship practice. I found nothing. I found programs that helped white women check their racial bias and I found programs that helped BIPOC/racialized women learn to lead with confidence (as if BIPOC/racialized women lacked confidence!!). I found nothing that said women - White or BIPOC/racialized - come let us lead together. Let us share our stories, our thoughts, our experiences and create narratives that serve us. Let us engage in meaningful discourse and learn about each other. Let us address our biases and change the stories we tell ourselves and others. 

So, I came up with the idea of Women In Power and invited Saralyn to join me on this journey. Saralyn and I model what an allyship practice can look like. We want to change the stories we tell ourselves and others. Join us and change your narrative. Want more information? Reach out